the Sole purpose of the SwingFish Project is to challenge the Status Quo of the Retail Trading Industry, by completely and indefinitely removing the Conflict of Interest.
SwingFish Traded in the last 30 Trading days a volume of $14,593,200,
via 433 Trades, 273 Trades were profitable in 27 Profitable days (3 Losing days, 160 losing trades)
data and chart was updated automatically 4 days 14 hours ago
Yield vs. Traded Volume more details
Directly assigned Funds resulting of IB Overhead, Donations and Interest gains:
4277.99 SGD, as of Sat, 18 Jan 2025 15:28:07 +0800,
This Funds are subject to 0.022% Weekly Interest.
Item | Amount |
Traders using the SwingFish IB Registrations at the Brokers IC Markets, Pepperstone or Kawase Exchange can Link Lender Accounts directly, and receive IB Commissions back to the account, they will be then subject to Interests just like normal Deposits (eg. Free Money)
Community collection of Market Opinions, collected on a central place
the Majority of the Entries are Traded on a Live Trading account Funded with 6000$ by EnFoid.
in cooperation with Switchboard, SwingFish now Streams to multiple Social Video platforms, such as: