Sub Terms and Statements about the SwingFish Project

Scope of This Document

This Statement covering additional Terms regarding Items & Services
provided by EnFoid under the SwingFish Project

Non Profit Statement

The sole purpose of the SwingFish Project is to challenge the Status Quo of the Retail Trading Industry, by completely and indefinitely removing the Conflict of Interest.

To accomplish that which is established and maintained in a Non-Profit nature.

    This is accomplished, but not limited:
  • No membership fees being collected
  • Services provided are free of charge
  • Community driven content creation
  • Community driven support
  • Revenues generated by member participation (such as Broker Commissions) returned to the induced member or a member pool.
  • Quality control by EnFoid

Profits made or donations are strictly used to pay for expenses or future developments.

Member Qualification

To qualify as a member, you have to contribute at least one or more of the following actions listed below:

  • Join the SwingFish Chatroom as a non-Temporary Member (Discord user).
  • Register at our Blog, and writing some posts from time to time.
  • Actively commenting on posts and reports as a registered user (not Anonym).

Cost of Services

Generally, all services are provided free of charge. There is a membership system, but there is no monetary exchange required to be a member at all.

Tools and the development as such, are free of charge within the abilities of the SwingFish Community.

Informations provided, are free to use but not free to re-publish.

Some licensed materials may be subjected to external fees, which SwingFish may cover on the Community Scale, but not the cost that may lead to Individual gains.

SwingFish is not liable for any external costs caused by using recommended services, systems, informations or any other publication made.

Use of Funds

To maintain the Non-Profit realm for the SwingFish Project, all funds generated in any way by SwingFish are used to pay for expenses, future developments, provide value for members or contribute to charitable events and/or entities.

21% of direct and indirect revenue is paid to EnFoid as an expense coverage for providing infrastructure, development and legal coverage.

79% of direct revenue generated is to be held in a dedicated SwingFish Lender Account to generate revenue as such for later use in charitable events and/or future developments.

IB & Partner Payments towards Members

Members can sign up for a referral systems (such as introducing broker, or partner, affiliates, ...)
Profits generated directly from this source provided by members, are subject to a return to the member affiliated with the revenue generation.
As in "Use of Funds" EnFoid will reserve the Right to withhold a maximum of 21% of this revenue and place it on the SwingFish Account to cover currency fluctuations, administration and/or transfer fees.

    To be eligible for return of this Funds:
  • Member has to Sign up (or already hold) a EnFoid Lender Account, and will get deposits made to this account, which will then just like another account also earn interests from it.
  • In some cases, Rebates may be applied to members owned accounts (such as Trading accounts) for direct instantly, daily or monthly reimbursement.

If the member fails to enroll in either of the 2 systems, generated income is handled as direct income and to be used as described under "Use of Funds"

  • Exclusively for direct Members of the SwingFish Community:
    Discord Members and active participants are eligible for a Full refund,
    this has to be proven by establishing a Discord-oAuth Link on the Profile-page inside the Lenders System

fail to enroll, as a SwingFish Project Member will automatically result in a fall-back to the 79/21 split.
Non Compliance to community guidelines can also result in the split will be applied manually.

By joining the Rebate Programs, you as a member gain NO Right of Proof of Income, or a certain amount to be paid.
Commission payments can be exported and delivered to members, upon request, this exports are for statistical reasons only and can NOT be used or serve as evidence for potentially missing payments.
Refunding of IB Commissions is a completely voluntary act from EnFoid towards SwingFish Members to maintain the Non-Profit Nature of the SwingFish Project.

EnFoid Legal Statements